Make a Difference
Together, we can deliver healthcare to remote communities across the world. Your gift saves lives.
What does my gift do?
Purchases Spanish language neonatal instructional booklets for a group of midwives.
Purchases a professional blood pressure cuff and stethoscope for a rural clinic team.
Purchases a NeoNatalie™ newborn training mannequin to allow a new doctor to help train 90 people in basic newborn emergency care.
Provides a complete first responder medical kit to a village first responder team.
Supplies one rural community with airway management training and equipment.
Sustains the Medic Outpost Physician Instructor Program in one region. Physician instructors will teach Outpost programs in their communities and reach hundreds of people in need.
Funds the delivery of advanced medical equipment to several rural clinics in Africa and Mexico. IV pumps, diagnostic supplies, cardiac monitors, and ultrasound equipment can be delivered with this generous donation.
Medic Outpost is a registered 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. Medic Outpost does not discriminate based on race, citizenship, religion, or political affiliation.
Leadership Circle
Join the Medic Outpost Leadership Circle. Our Leadership Circle is a group of special donors who have made a significant financial investment towards our mission and within the communities we serve.
$10,000 or more
Paul Crozier
David Price
$5,000 - $9,999 annually
John Poindexter
Megan Hotze Creative
Andy Mouer and Family
Mouer/Huston Law Firm
Vitol Foundation
Linda Anthony
$2,500 - $4,999 annually
Jaime Cleveland
Brian Crozier
Mark Evans
Twila Green
Mike Metz
David and Vickie Webb
$1 ,000 - $2,499 annually
Carla Kay Krull