Empowering people, saving lives
Medic Outpost
Community Healthcare Volunteers
Giving people the tools and training to be responsible for part of their own healthcare is a key component of developing a long-term successful healthcare system. The Medic Outpost community healthcare volunteer program develops rural community health access by training and providing medical kits to village volunteers. These volunteers live in the rural communities and work with the local clinic to provided healthcare screening, basic treatment, and health education to the locals. CHV’s are the first step in developing a long-term healthcare system run by the local population. A lack of resources and distance to clinics make CHV’s a critical component to saving lives and improving healthcare for thousands of isolated communities.
Thrakka Nithi County is situated near the base of Mt. Kenya and is home to over 250,000 people scattered throughout remote villages. Each year, thousands die on the winding and dangerous rural highway system. Local resident Alex Mugambi formed Thrakka Nithi Fire and Rescue Team to address the area’s need for medical care, beginning with only two old fire trucks and a month of firefighting training provided by patrons in England. They had no emergency medical equipment, no medical training, and no ambulance.
In 2019, Medic Outpost began partnering with Alex and his team in their endeavor to create an emergency medical system for the region.
We provide emergency medical training in trauma management, preventive health, and advanced airway management.
We provide medical kits, diagnostic equipment, and airway supplies.
We are committed to ongoing training and supply provision.